martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

Past Simple

  S + Verb (past) + Complements
        (regular verbs -ed)
Eg: He broke his leg
  You arrived late
S + DID + NOT + Verb (infinitivo sin “to”) + Complements
       (= didn’t)
Eg: He did not  break his leg = I didn’t break my leg
  You did not arrive late = You didn’t arrive late
DID + S + Verb (infinitivo sin “to”) + Complements ?
Eg: Did he break his leg?  Yes, he did
  Did your arrive late? No, I didn’t

Actions that started and finished in the past
Acciones que comenzaron y terminaron en el pasado (normalmente se indica cuándo ocurrió, es decir, hay un adverbio de tiempo que lo indica)
  Eg: I didn't go to the beach last Sunday
Actions that happened one after the other in the past (like in a story)Acciones que suceden una detrás de otra en el pasado, como sucede cuando contamos una historia. Eg: I went into the disco and I saw my favourite girl, then I asked her to dance,....
With the Past Continuous to refer to a short action that interrupts a longer one.Con el Past Continuous para referirnos a una acción corta que interrumpe a otra más larga.
  Eg:  The TV broke when she was watching the football match

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